Category Archives: Video

Strangers, again

I have been following the works of these guys at Wong Fu Production for a while on Youtube and admittedly, they made some great stuffs! Recently, they expanded their short interactive clips to longer and more artsy works. Like this one, “Strangers, again,” one of my favorites. It could actually be made into a movie I thought. Anyway, it’s another good clip about love, stages of relationship, people falling in and out of love… but with an interesting approach and also a twist in reasoning. The guy (Philip Wang) is hot and the girl (Cathy Nguyen) is a Vietnamese American, so check it out!

(after watching this video for the first time, I got a little sentimental :”> and asked my boyfriend if he ever thought of breaking up with me, to which he responded (and I kind of agreed) that it was a very dumb thing to say when you are in a happy relationship. Oh well, they made it sound so smooth in the movie!)


“How I met your father” love story video

It’s one of the lazy Saturday mornings when I just stumble within 5-meter radius from my bed. While staying busy being absolutely unproductive and useless, I came across this super cute love story video made in tribute to my top favorite show “How I met your mother” and the legendary Barney Stinson. Even though we can see the “actors” were a bit tense and nervous in their roles (more like in themselves) but I still give them full credit for being brave and following this delightful idea to share their love story. And the video still left me wondering if the cute little boy was really their kid?

The video is credited to the talented film makers at Phoeben Teocson Cinema in Manila. This group can turn your love story into any movie (even offer the extra service of rewriting all movies into happy endings) and it seems like they have tons of fun doing it!

This is another cute video of them inspired by “500 days of summer”

This is not only a nice and fun project for both the bride and groom during the stressful stage of planning for the wedding (well, mostly releasing stress for the bride and getting the groom to at least get involved in something other than the party’s drink list), but also a good opportunity for both to relive their romantic moments (in the extreme and romanticized form of life). That’s their stories, how about yours?